Kroger 2014 Strategic Reports Out

Photo of WTF cow pasture.

Reed College is currently engaged in a strategic planning process, initiated by President Kroger and expected to last from 2013-2015. As part of that process different “working groups” have been created, including one to address Paideia and the summer term, Group E:

What role do the summer and winter breaks play in a Reed education? To what extent should we concern ourselves with providing opportunities for students in these periods, and what sort of opportunities should they be? What opportunities do we offer already and how do they relate to the academic program? Should we continue to have a long winter break, and if so, do we need to offer more possibilities to the students during January? Should we offer more opportunities during fall and spring break, whether externships, workshops, or field trips?

The Group E was submitted in January and is available online as a PDF file with an IRIS login. The final report from April is also available online as a PDF with an IRIS login and shall be considered by the faculty, alumni and staff for this fall. The gist of their recommendations is that the 2013 Paideia committee created by Kroger has already begun to improve things and that it should be continued with encouragement to involve “enthusiastic faculty and staff regularly,” “more study- and career-building classes” and possible three-week “remediation during (expanded) Paideia.”

About Rory Bowman '90

Rory Bowman, Reed alumnus in philosophy, 1990.
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